From research to MVP by Nuqleus

Software Prototyping

Turning ideas into successful products

The heart of software prototyping lies in a structured approach. In this process of product development, five phases are involved: Ideation, Product Strategy, Prototyping, MVP Development and Growth. Ideation is where ideas are explored, and strategies are crafted. However, validating these strategies through prototyping is essential before diving into development. User research takes centre stage during the ideation phase. Understanding the problems faced by end-users is crucial, shaping the product in a way that resonates with its intended audience.

Every product strategy consists of three main components: technology, business goals and user needs. Getting users on board is a challenge every software product faces. Some of the possible strategies for user acquisition are paid advertising, content creation, and word-of-mouth marketing.

Design prototypes play a pivotal role in visualizing the final product. They allow stakeholders and clients to experience a product closely resembling the finished version, aiding in decision-making and feedback collection. Tools like Figma and Marvel make creating prototypes accessible, even for non-designers. Design prototypes help you to avoid possible technical and other problems in the future, and obtain valuable feedback at an early stage of the development cycle.

MVP Development is usually done in four phases: Discover, Define, Estimate and Deliver. In today’s competitive landscape, being “minimum lovable” may be more important than just “viable.”

Clear acceptance criteria, technology selection, analytics, and planning ahead are key elements of a successful product launch. Gathering user data and monitoring metrics post-launch are crucial to identify areas for improvement and ensure healthy growth.