Startup 101 by Nuqleus

Pitch & Storytelling

Let me tell you a story

Pitching your startup idea can be nerve-wracking, but it’s a crucial skill that can make or break your venture. It can be the key to securing funding, gaining customers, and propelling your business to success. Whether you’re presenting your idea to investors, potential partners, or a competition jury, a well-crafted pitch can make all the difference

At its core, a pitch is a concise and persuasive presentation of your startup idea or business plan. It’s an opportunity to showcase your vision, product, or service to potential stakeholders and convince them of its value and potential for success. A great pitch should be engaging, and compelling, and leave a lasting impression on the audience. A pitch comes in many different sizes and forms, like a One-Liner, an Elevator Pitch or a Three-Minute Pitch underlined with a pitch deck.

  • One-Liner: A concise sentence that describes the startup’s purpose, target audience, and benefits, avoiding buzzwords and focusing on the problem-solving aspect.
  • Elevator Pitch: A brief pitch lasting 20 to 30 seconds, designed to capture the essence of the startup, addressing the problem, solution, and unique selling point.
  • Classic Three-Minute Pitch: A longer pitch typically used in startup competitions, providing a detailed overview of the startup’s idea and potential.

The key elements of a typical pitch deck are a problem, solution, business model, market size, competition, traction, road map, team and call-to-action.

Storytelling in a pitch is very important, as it creates an emotional connection with the audience. Always remember who is your audience and make sure you tailor your story for them.